About Us
What We Do
Activities at Quantitative include the development of cellular diagnostic scales, combining and condensing information content of large databases. Information and feature extraction of image, spectral, spatial, temporal data sets, and visualisation and projection of complex datasets using advanced customised targeted projection pursuit methods.
Whether you wish your hypothesis to be tested or you wish to take a grand discovery tour of your data set we will find your needle in the haystack.
Our experience covers a range information theory and statistic including: State of the art modelling, analysis of physiological and pathological parameters, mortality/morbidity prediction, treatment response, experimental design propensity scoring and matching methods, high content high throughput analysis, cluster, trend and discriminatory analysis.
Endoscopic tissue and cancer recognition based on white light or spectral imaging and cross modality cellular characterisation, label free, surface antigens or organelle. Development of advanced imaging technologies including time gated laser illumination and camera systems.
EEG, ECG and life signal analysis and characterisation.
Creating novel know-how, providing customers with new development impulses, developing technologies and concepts, applying technologies, and enhancing technology transfer and utilization.
Collaboration with the world´s most prominent research partners and an active involvement in international research and innovation activities are an essential component of Quantitative's research and development work.